[11/12/15~17(D+108) Mexico] Am I getting a monster?

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15th Dec 2011

Maria Elena’s son gives me a ride to Navojoa which is over 50 km (31 mi) from Obregon. He is in the above picture. When I wait him, I see a child who is selling a news paper. But I see that he can’t sell any paper. So I buy a news paper for 5 pesos(USD $0.3). But I don’t need it, so I don’t try to get a news paper from a child and he tries to give money back to me. And I said no no no. It is a little bit sad. Anyway, I start to ride a bike from Navojoa.


Sometimes, I can see an abandoned building on the road.


I erase my bike’s brand name.

My bike works very well. But I feel like I am traveling to advertise my bike’s company when I take the picture of a bike. That’s why I erase brand name from my bike.
Panniers don’t work out. I have to use duck tape because I have some hole. That’s why I erase brand name from panniers.

I put the pictures which I got from children on my pannier.
And I also put Christmas sock which I got from children. There are some letters which are written by children.

I want to make my bikes more lovely! Yeah!
My wish is to paint yellow my bike. I don’t know how I can do it.
Someday you will see my yellow bike!! Yeah!

So far So good.

My job is to believe myself and the world.

That’s all.


When I take the rest, I see a cat is on a lease. It is so funny because I’ve only seen a dog on a lease. She in the above picture is from the US and lives in Mexico. She is going to the US for Christmas and brings her dog and cat.


Host in Nogales, AZ sent a chili to Obregon. They know me very well that I love a spicy food. I thank to them. ย Quesadilla which Adriana gave me for a lunch is a totilla filled with a cheese and a ham. Somebody gives me a drink when I eat a lunch. There are lots of luck on the road. Lucky which is called my bike brings a lot of luck.


When I am running out of water, I ask them “Agua, por favor(Water, please).


They give me tacos first.


A snake is next to me. It is my first time to see a big snake on the road.


The man holds a snake. oh man. I can’t concentrate to eat tacos.


It looks dangerous.


Anyway, they are very kind.



He gives me his beer to take the picture. Of course, I don’t drink beer and it is just for picture.


Here is ย a new province. I’ve heard from last provinceย that Sinola is dangerous. Anyway, itย doesn’tย matter because every people has told me everywhere is dangerous and I can’t figure out what is true.


There is a wild shoulder and more green.


The most nervous time in the day is around 4 or 5pm because I have to find a place to stay before it gets dark.
I wish to the sun “Please don’t hide to the horizon, before I find a place.”
I find a very small town and I ask a grandmother. She permit me to set up my tent around her house.


16th Dec 2011

The next day, she prepare breakfast for me.


Although I can’t talk with them in Spanish, I feel heart-warming.


I stay at the first house for one night. I don’t know town’s name.


It is fog. The sun show up from horizon and say Hello to me.



Up and Down.


I pass a big city which is Los Mochis and it is my first time not to stop in a big city. I go to the next city which is Guasave. But I don’t go into a city but to small road. Over three times people say “No” for a place and I get a little bit hurt. But I keep try and a kind family let me set up my tent at their yard.


They let me take a shower at their bathroom and even they give me dinner.


The more I spend the time with them, the more family come to home. Mexican culture keep family life well. They show me around Gusaveย downtownย which I passed.


It is a pretty fountain.


They have a festival because Christmas is coming. Many people ask to me where I will spend Christmas, also I am really wondering about it.


They ask to me what is my favorite Mexican food and I say Tacos. They take me to have Tacos. They are so friendly. We just meet but they show me around the town and take me to have tacos.


17th Dec 2011

The next morning, they gives me a breakfast. It is lucky to meet them.


Always, it is good to see the sun again in the morning.


There are two roads to the next city, Culiacan. I make a mistake to choice 15 highway. I didn’t look map well the day before and I come to the mount!! The hard thing is that I have to ride over 150 km (93 mi) today. I am so shocked. How can I make it today????? I start thinking about hitchhiking.


Hitchhiking. Hitchhiking. Why I didn’t look at map well?? It looks endless up and down. Up and Down. Up and Down. Up and Down.
I think too much about hitchhiking and I find it is not good. Because it is just around afternoon and it is so early to think about hitchhiking. So I do my best.
When I am peddling on uphill, I look at the back and find the car are waiting without sounding a horn. So many people are kind on the road.
Finally I make it. I can’t believe how I ride a bike over 150 km (93mi) on the mount.
I rode a bike 120 km (75 mi)ย on 15th and 16th. I ride over 150km (93mi) on the mount today. Am I getting a monster? Anyway I am so happy that I make it. Yeah!!

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  1. You are getting stronger every day! Keep up the good work. Everyone says Mexico is dangerous but every cyclist I read about says NO!,they are most kind and generous. Be well ;o)

  2. You will be fine, Be happy always, there are many more good people then bad. Just keep on keeping on. This is the trip of a life time, never give up. There are many who are looking over you and being with you always.


  3. Pleased at your progress, Jin, and it is good to read of the good people you are meeting and sharing with along the way. You are a good person and will attract good things. Best to you in the new year, may you prosper and grow and continue to spread good will.

  4. Everyone has a story to tell and the stories about the people you meet make your trip special. Thanks for letting us travel vicariously through your great adventure.

  5. Hi Jin, believe in yourself and the goodness of people, and you’ll be fine. It’s great to be ‘touring’ with you :-))

  6. Nice to read your blog

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