[11/09/13~19(19days) California, US] Sweet resting in LA

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13th Sep 2011

Ride from Santa Monica to Torrance. I had met Korean girl who hosted for 3nights. I kept posting on Korean website about journal and she sent me a message. That’s how I could stay with her. She introduced me another Korean guy and we went Korean restaurant. It was so so so so good to eat Korean food with Korean alcohol.


We just met but I felt like to meet old friend. We had so much fun. After restaurant, we had fun around the beach. What a wonderful day!



She cooked Korean food for me. It was so delicious and I was happy to eat Korean food. Korean food is totally different from American food. Of course I love to eat any food. But It has been 14month in the abroad.



I got over 80 thorns each wheels in LA TOWN. It took long time to take those. LA must make some sign like “Don’t walk or bike here”. That load looked like just sand. Anyway I made a new record!


Tube got exploded because it was sandwiched between rim and tire. I should be careful next time.
(It made huge noise and I was so scared at that time)



Host and I went Korean market and it was good to see Korean stuff.



There is huge Korean town in LA!!!



I’ve ridden over 1,000km(625mi)! I was really happy to be with my Korean host. We talked and sometimes laughing sometimes serious.. So much fun with my Korean friend. I miss her so much. Her nickname is Bom. But it means Spring in Korean. I like to call her name. Spring!! Miss you!



My new host brought me Santa Monica for mount biking. I was scared mount biking at first. But They said “You should not use brake too much. Just let it go. then you are safe” After I learned that, I had so much fun. It was just so exciting ever never ever! Definitely, I will do again someday.



My host showed me around LA.


My host’s dog.



My first host introduced me another Korean guy. He and I rode together in LA



looked around with Korean guy



I saw so many taco on the road. I wanted to know how is different from US and Mexico about taco. So I tried and it was so good. I will figure out when I go to Mexico if I can remember taste.

Please correct the mistakes if there are any. (out of context, grammar, word and anything!). Thanks

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