Iguaza falls from Argentina
Iguaza falls from Brazil
The map of Iguaza falls in Argentina
1.Visiting time
– Iguassu Falls in Argentina 8:30am~6:00pm
– Iguassu Falls in Brazil 9:00am~6:30pm (But ticket selling is only before 5:00pm)
2. Entrance fee (December, 2012) and information of exchange money.
– Iguassu Falls in Argentina – 130 Pesos (about 22$) / Iguassu Falls In Brazil – 41.1 Real (about 19$)
– Exchange money in Brazil is better than in Argentina.
3. To get Iguassu Falls of Argentina from the Brazil by Bus.
-If you go by car, it will take 30 minutes from the border to one side of Iguassu. But it takes too much time to go by bus.
– You have to take the bus at bus terminal in Brazil to go to the bus terminal of Argentina. (2$, 4 Brazil Real, 8 Argentina Pesos, to pay with Argentina Peso is better)
– After 20 minutes bus will stop at the Brazilian Immigration.
– If you will return to Brazil, you don’t need to stop.
– If you stop at Immigration, it will take 5 to 10 minutes to get stamp (It can be longer if there is long line). And then you can take the same company of bus which you took. But you have to wait over 30 minutes or one hour. (That is why you shouldn’t get stamp if you return to Brazil)
– But the bus will wait you to get stamp in the Argentine Immigration
– It takes 5 minutes to 10 minutes by bus from Brazilian Immigration to Argentine Immigration so that it is not good idea to walk from one side to other side of Immigration.
– After getting to Argentine bus terminal, you have to buy another ticket to Iguassu Falls. It is 50 Pesos (9$)
– It will take around 30 minutes from Argentine bus terminal to Iguassu Falls.
= So it will take over 2 hours or 3 hours from the place of Brazil to Iguassu Falls of Argentina. (It means it will take over 4 or 6 hours for round trip.)
4. From Brazil terminal to Brazil Iguassu Falls.
– It will take about 30 minutes to 40 minutes. Easier.
5. Difference from Argentina to Brazil
– You can see closer in Argentina, but you can see wider in Brazil.
– There is trekking in Argentina and Brazil. It is free in Argentina, but you have to pay extra money in Brazil.
– The park is really big that side of Argentina has the free train and side of Brazil has the free bus. You don’t need to wait longer.
6. More information
– It is very hot and humid (December)
– You will be burn if you don’t use sun block cream well.
– There are many gift shops in Brazil more than in Argentina inside of the park.
– There are many photographers which make album of photo. (More Especially in Brazil)
– You need water proof jacket which you can buy cheap one. It is the same as you are standing on the place raining. (It could be also good to bring umbrella.)
– Camera will be all right. I have cheap camcorder which costs 100$, but it was okay to take the video without any cover. (But you need luck. Who knows.)
-Iguassu is far from the border of Brazil and Argentina.
My journal about visiting Iguazu
[12/12/19~21 (D+478) Brazil-Argenitna-Brazil] Amazing Iguazu
The video of Brazil Iguassu